Our Commitment to Patients at Walnut Dental

We are committed to understanding and meeting your needs as a dental patient. It is our goal and number one priority to provide you, your family, and friends with the highest professional ethics and ensured excellence through all phases of your dental care. We take pride in delivering you the finest quality, state-of-the-art dental care in a secure, cost effective, and comfortable environment.


"As your dentist you can rest assured that you'll receive the personalized attention you deserve. I will listen to  your needs and answer all your questions. Plus, you'll enjoy our friendly, caring team."



Insurance pays for most dental procedures


Give us a call. You’ll be surprised how your insurance will cover the majority of your dental treatment and how little ”out of pocket” you have to pay. Our staff will calculate your “out of pocket” expenses beforehand, so there will be no financial surprises after your dental treatment.



810 N Plano Road, Ste 210 Richardson Tx 75081


